●業界のリーディングカンパニーとして国内の金融機関の中で圧倒的なグローバルプレゼンスを持つ同社グループで、ビジネスをテクノロジーの力で変革するエンジニアチームです。最先端のテクノロジーを駆使しながら、Made in Japanの品質でスピード感のあるアジャイル開発を行っており、ビジネスと一体となったDXの推進に貢献することが期待されています。エンジニアは、担当や役割を固定することなく様々な内製開発やプロジェクトに携わっています。チーム内のコミュニケーションは主に日本語ですが、多国籍なメンバーで構成されており、英語を使う場面もあります。
The engineering team,a leading company in the industry having a strong global presence among Japanese financial institutions.Our mission is to contribute to the promotion of DX in cooperation with Business users,with agile development of ”Made in Japan”quality utilizing the latest technology.Engineers are flexibly involved with a wide variety of in-house development and projects.Communication within the team is in Japanese and sometimes in English as it is made up of multinational members.
The engineering team is working on multiple developments and projects in parallel with a start-up culture.We have DevOps tools environment in place and adopt agile development that automates deployment and testing using JIRA,Confluence,GitLab,Jenkins,Ansible,Selenium,etc.The team is looking for developers and leads heading up the developers.You will be involved with one of the developments depending on your expertise,skills and experience.
FIDTech team is supporting Fixed Income business by providing various services.We use latest technology to support our business user in an Agility way.To catch up the speed of our business,we improve ourselves every day.
In this role,you will drive an engineering team to start project from very beginning.It will provide you opportunity to work from business analysis,Web system development,system release and production support etc.by fully leverage the DevOps methodology.As our Fixed Income business is growing and changing very fast,there are more chanced to expand your coverage in the future.In addition,more as we are doing data analysis now,you can also have the experience of data scientist.
Web UI/UXの設計と実装
Expected Responsibilities
Coordinate with business users and other teams to define requirements
Provides Mocks /POCs if necessary to clarify requirements
Design the Web UI/UX
Lead the team throughout the entire Agile SDLC lifecycle
Hands-on Application Agile development
Develop the CI/CD DevOps Pipline
Review source codes
Improve the development environment for team
Create and implement release processes and mechanisms
Help production,user Support
・バックエンドサービス-Spring Boot、NodeJs、WebApi
Basically as a Full Stack Developer,
・Understands &is able to build the entire application stack End to End.
・Database -Oracle,Mysql,MsSql
・Front End -Angular,React,Wpf
・Back End Services -Spring Boot,NodeJs,WebApi
・Programming Languages -Java,C#,Typescript (Javascript),Python
・Japanese (native level)and English (business communication level)
-CI/CD -Jenkins
-Docker、Chef /Puppet、Kubernetes、Ansible
Preferred skills and experience:
・Experience in development of financial systems (which is preferable compared to bond-related systems)
・Experienced in Agile &Scrums
・Building DevOps Pipeline
-CI/CD -Jenkins
-Code Analysis -Sonarcube
-Maven,Msbuild,scripting languages
-Testing -Junit
【東証プライム上場 財閥系 総合商社】 デジタル戦略部門 DX推進担当
【東証プライム上場 純水製造装置に強みを持つ水処理エンジニアリング企業】 情報システム部 社内SE(管理職)
【東証プライム上場 関西大手機械メーカー】 本社生産管理部門(システム導入支援・要件定義も含む)
大企業から中堅中小企業まで。 サステナビリティの視点で ビジネスの成長ストーリーを描く。
「成長の果実」を従業員の手に。 世界と日本で多くの企業が待ち望む、 新たな報酬制度の運用を支えたい。
世界のスタートアップに投資し、 中長期的な成長に伴走していく。 日本の農林水産業と、食料が育むいのち、 そして地域を元気にするために。