【Specific Responsibilities (Detailed information of the position’s R&R)】
・Lead Product Development:Have indirect leadership responsibility for HW,Mechanical,Optical and SW Development,
Requirements Capture,Validation,MCAD,ECAD and Product Assurance.
・Plan and Track PD Schedule;Develop a Schedule of PD activities and track delivery of the activities.
・Issue and Risk Management:Identification and resolution of technical development issues.
・Release Management:Timely and correct release of Bill of Materials /Specifications to support project timing.
・Design Quality Tools Management:Co-ordination of Design Reviews,FMEA completion,SCIF,etc.
・Non-PD Technical Support:Lead communication of technical details to non-PD activities.
・Configuration Management /Change Management /Budget Tracking:Preform Tracking of 【Project Resources and Budget】
・Sub-System Testing Activities:Perform initial testing of components in order to sign off for verification /validation testing.
【Required skills and experiences】
・Development experience as Lead Engineer for Product Development
・Team management of a cross-functional team
・Experience in Quality Assurance and associated processes and governance
・Strong project planning skills,including issue identification and resolution
・Actual development experience for automotive electronics (Meter,HUD or Display)
【Preferred skills and experiences】
・System and embedded SW experience within automotive electronics
・Working experience with Japanese companies (Automotive OEM or Tier 1 supplier)
・Technical negotiation with external and internal stakeholders.
・Knowledge of quality tools for issue identification and resolution (5-why,fishbone,etc..)
・A bachelor’s degree (or above)in Engineering is preferred.
・Japanese and English
【PC skills】
・MS-Office (Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook,Word,Project)
人の営みと地球環境が調和できる社会。 車載電池は一つの有効な手段になる。
創業120年超、蓄積された技術資産を活用し、 多様な領域でトップクラスのシェアを確立。 グローバル事業の拡大も加速させています。
「夢に見るほど電池が好き」 な社員たちが、化学・電気・機械のノウハウを結集し、次世代エネルギーデバイスの開発に挑む。